Live & Love Like Jesus
Whether you have recently chosen to follow Jesus, or you've been a Christian for many years, we are all on a journey to live and love more like Jesus. We believe we do that by making four decisions in our lives to Entrust, Enjoy, Invest, and Invite. Join the journey by downloading the Live & Love Like Jesus Book Study and joining a group below.
A Path to Thriving in God’s Family
The Four Decisions We Make
Click on the following decisions to discover more about how to live and love like Jesus. Follow from the beginning to end, or explore the area you’re interested in learning about.
Entrust Your Whole Life to God
What does it mean to be saved? How do we enter into a relationship with Jesus?
What is the significance of water baptism?
What is the purpose of prayer? How do I talk to God?
Enjoy Belonging in God’s Family
Why do I need Biblical Community? How do I connect with others?
How do I read the Bible? Where do I start?
What is worship? How do I engage in worship on a daily basis?
Invest in God’s Work
How do I discover the gifts God has given me to serve the church?
What does the Bible say about giving? What is a tithe? Offering?
How can I serve the world on a global scale?
Invite Anyone who Needs Jesus
How do I share my story? Why is sharing my story important?
How do I invite people to church (without being weird)?
What does it mean to "make disciples"?
Group Resources
If you are following our Live & Love Like Jesus book study, click on the “Book Study Sessions” link below to access each of the session videos & supplemental content. If you have yet to join a group, make sure you click on “Join a Group”!