
“We use our time, talents, and treasure to serve God, the church, and our community”

About Serving

Serving is using one way that we serve God with our whole heart. When we invest in God’s Kingdom, we have the opportunity for eternal impact, using our time and talents to serve God, the church, and our community. As we choose to serve God in His Church and in relationship with others, we look forward to spending time together, having fun, growing, and investing in each other’s lives. By using our gifts for God’s glory, we model servanthood and find ways to pitch in, creating a lasting impact.

  • Serving is dedicating your time, talents, and efforts to honor God, the church, and the community. It involves using your unique gifts to make a meaningful, lasting impact for God’s Kingdom.

  • We serve because it allows us to invest in God’s Kingdom and experience the joy of having an eternal impact through our actions. Serving deepens our relationships with others while fulfilling our calling to glorify God through our lives.

    It also allows us to use the gifts God has given us for His glory. Take the Spiritual Gifts Test to discover how God has uniquely designed you to serve Him and His people.

  • We serve by joining teams that use our gifts and passions to meet the needs of the church and community, creating opportunities for growth and connection. By modeling servanthood and pitching in where needed, we contribute to God’s work and foster meaningful relationships.


What’s Next?

If you want to get involved through serving, make sure to reach out to your local church — they may have a class to attend, form to fill out, or a pastor you can email, getting you connected to a team that is the right fit for you.

At Daybreak Church, we encourage everyone to attend a “Belong Brunch” to learn about the different opportunities for you to belong in God's family. You will have a chance to share your story with others while connecting with our staff, pastors, and other Daybreakers. We will explore more of what it means for you to Entrust, Enjoy, Invest, and Invite as we live out all that God has called us to.

You can also let us know you are interested in serving by clicking on the “Join a Team” button below.

FAQ’s on Serving

  • We believe serving is a great way to connect and grow in your faith, regardless of how long you’ve been attending. The Bible encourages us to use our gifts to serve others (1 Peter 4:10), and we welcome everyone who has a heart to serve.

  • No special skills are required to serve. God uses all people, no matter their abilities, to fulfill His purposes. In fact, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 teaches that there are different gifts but the same Spirit, and everyone has something valuable to contribute. Whatever your gift, there’s a place for you to serve.

  • Your level of commitment is flexible and depends on the team you join. Some teams require just an hour or two on Sunday, while others might involve a bit more during the week. The important thing is to serve faithfully with whatever time you have, as Colossians 3:23-24 reminds us to serve wholeheartedly as if working for the Lord.

  • Yes, you can serve in multiple ministries if your schedule allows and you feel called to do so. The key is balance—serving should enhance your spiritual growth, not lead to burnout. Romans 12:11-12 advises us to be enthusiastic in our service but also patient and reliant on God’s strength.

  • Serving others not only helps the church and community but also leads to spiritual growth. Jesus taught in Matthew 20:28 that He came to serve, and by following His example, we grow in humility, faith, and love. Serving helps us become more like Christ as we learn to put others before ourselves.

  • Yes, serving is a form of worship. Worship isn’t just singing songs; it’s a lifestyle of honoring God in everything we do. Romans 12:1 tells us to "present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is our true and proper worship." When we serve, we are offering ourselves to God as an act of worship.

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