Reading the Bible

“We spend time each day reading God’s Word”

About Reading the Bible

We spend time daily with God, reading and journaling through His Word. God gave us His Word to guide, strengthen, and encourage us every day. The Bible is God’s eternal, living, and active instruction manual, relevant for our lives today and into the future. Establishing a habit of daily Bible reading can radically impact our lives for the better. Sharing insights with close friends helps us grow together on the journey of following Jesus.

As we say, “We spend time daily with God through reading the Bible and journaling,” – this daily practice provides the nourishment we need to thrive spiritually. Using practical tools like the Life Journal and S.O.A.P. reading method, we can dive deeper into God’s Word and share our learnings with others.

  • Reading the Bible is the daily practice of spending time with God by engaging with His written Word, which is a guide for how we should live and love like Jesus. It involves reflecting on Scripture and journaling insights, allowing God’s truth to penetrate and transform our hearts.

  • We read the Bible because it is God’s eternal, living, and active instruction manual, designed to strengthen, guide, and encourage us each day. By establishing a habit of daily Bible reading, we receive spiritual nourishment and grow in our relationship with God.

    Psalm 119:130 - The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.

  • We read the Bible intentionally each day, using practical tools like the Life Journal and the S.O.A.P. reading method to help us dive deeper into God’s Word. Sharing what we learn with close friends helps us grow together in our faith journey, encouraging one another in following Jesus.

    Check out how to S.O.A.P. below!

What’s Next?

We encourage you to take time every day to read God’s Word. Read a verse, a chapter, several passages —whatever you do, just spend time with God through reading the Bible. One of the ways we like to read scripture is through following the One-Year Life Journal Reading Plan. Alongside reading the Bible, we encourage you to journal about what you read using the S.O.A.P. method. Try it out for 5 days by reading one chapter of 1 John a day.

    • Ex: John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

    • Ex: When we stay connected to Christ, we live fruitfully, but when we don’t, we wither away. Jesus emphasizes that this relationship is a two way street. He remains in us, but we must also remain in Him. We have to actively put effort in to stay connected.

    • Ex: We must remain connected to Jesus through prayer, scripture, and worship. The distractions and temptations in life can become overwhelming and sometimes we accidentally reprioritize our lives. When we don't remain in Christ as we were intended to, life gets harder, conflicting messages get louder, and everything suddenly becomes harder and more confusing. Christ is our lifeline and when we remain in Him, we thrive. We become fruitful and we glorify God as we better reflect who He created us to be.

    • Ex: God, thank you for sending your Son as our example and the Holy Spirit as our helper. I can do nothing without you and I don’t want to. Help me to remain diligent and aware, passionate and pursuant so I can listen closely and follow in your steps. I want a life connected to you, a life that bears much fruit for God’s glory. Amen.

FAQ’s on the Bible

  • Yes, the Bible remains relevant today as it offers timeless wisdom, guidance, and encouragement for how to live in alignment with God’s will. It addresses universal themes like love, justice, and morality, applicable to every generation. Hebrews 4:12 reminds us, “The word of God is alive and active… it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart,” showing its power to impact our lives today.

  • Though written by human authors, the Bible is divinely inspired by God. As 2 Timothy 3:16 states, “All Scripture is God-breathed,” meaning the Holy Spirit guided the authors, ensuring that it is trustworthy and without error. The Bible is God’s revelation to humanity, reflecting His truth through the backgrounds and experiences of its writers.

  • Different Bible translations exist to make God’s Word accessible to people across cultures and languages. While the original Scriptures were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, translations help convey the meaning in different languages and styles. Proverbs 30:5 says, “Every word of God is flawless,” and translations aim to capture that flawless truth in understandable ways for different readers.

    We tend to use the NIV (New International Version), NLT (New Living Translation), ESV (English Standard Version), and the NKJV (New King James Version).

    The easiest, most approachable version to start out reading would be the NLT.

  • If you’re new to reading the Bible, start with the Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—as they provide a clear understanding of Jesus’ life and teachings. Using a Bible reading plan, like the S.O.A.P. method, can help guide you through Scripture. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path,” offering direction and insight for your life.

  • While the Bible is not intended to be a scientific textbook, it offers profound spiritual truths and moral teachings that transcend scientific explanation. We believe that the Bible reveals God’s purpose for humanity and the world, and any references to natural events, like creation in Genesis, point to God’s role as Creator. As Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands,” showing how the natural world reflects God’s majesty, with faith and science both revealing aspects of His truth.

  • The Bible is made up of 66 books, divided into the Old and New Testaments, including different types of writings like law, history, poetry, prophecy, gospels, and letters. Each book reveals a unique aspect of God’s plan, from guiding people in daily living to revealing the life and teachings of Jesus. As 2 Peter 1:21 reminds us, “Prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit,” showing how each book is inspired by God’s guidance.

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