
“We invest in mission and church multiplication in our region and around the world”

About Mission

We invest time and resources in mission and church multiplication around our county and throughout the world. Missions are at the heart of our calling, as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples of all nations. This mission starts in our local community, where we use our time, talents, and treasure to serve God, the church, and those in need.

But it doesn’t stop there; we extend our reach globally, supporting efforts that bring the message of Jesus to the farthest corners of the earth. By investing in both local and world missions, we participate in God’s plan to expand His Kingdom, knowing that every effort contributes to an eternal impact. As we say, “We invest in mission and church multiplication in our region and around the world,” living out Jesus’ command to go and make disciples.

  • Being on Mission is the act of sharing the message of Jesus and making disciples, both locally and globally, as we invest our time, talents, and resources to serve others and fulfill the Great Commission. This includes participating in church multiplication and supporting efforts that bring God’s love and truth to people across all nations.

  • We engage in missions because it is central to our calling as followers of Christ, rooted in His command to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). By investing in mission, we join God in expanding His Kingdom and making an eternal impact on the world.

    Romans 8:23-24: For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.

  • We carry out the mission by using our time, talents, and treasure to serve God and others, beginning in our local communities and extending to the ends of the earth. This includes supporting church multiplication, going on mission trips, and partnering with organizations to bring the message of Jesus to those in need.

What’s Next?

As faithful followers of Jesus, we are all called by God to go out into the world - but it might look different for each person. You might participate in missions through prayer, you might go on a missions trip, or you might support missions financially. It is important that we get involved in the Great Commission through local and global missions, so make sure to check out what your local church is doing.

At Daybreak Church, we partner with several local and global missions organizations that allow you the opportunity to serve, pray, and support the spread of the gospel through practical support and evangelism. You can participate in hands-on projects like building homes with Spectrum Ministries in Tijuana or join Africa Thriving in Kenya to provide food, water, and Bibles to remote villages. We also partner with ministries like Elevating Christian Ministries in Haiti, which feeds vulnerable children, and Living Water Teaching, which spreads the Gospel across Latin America through Bible schools and medical outreach. Whether you’re able to go on a trip, commit to praying for these ministries, or support financially, every contribution helps expand God’s Kingdom and brings hope to communities in need.

Visit daybreakchurch.org/missions to see how you’d like to get involved with our continued partnerships

FAQ’s on Missions

  • If you feel a stirring in your heart to go, that may be God prompting you to step out in faith. Pray for clarity, talk with others who have gone on missions, and seek God’s guidance through His Word. Matthew 28:19-20 calls all believers to “go and make disciples of all nations,” so consider how you can respond to that call, whether by going, praying, or giving.

  • Yes! There are many ways to support missions without traveling. You can pray for mission teams and the communities they serve, give financially to support projects and partnerships, or raise awareness about the need for global missions. Philippians 4:16-17 highlights the importance of financial support in ministry, where Paul thanks the church for sharing in his missionary work.

  • Mission trips provide both immediate help and long-term hope. Teams often meet physical needs through projects like building homes, providing clean water, and distributing food, while also sharing the love of Christ. By partnering with local churches and ministries, missions can have a lasting impact, helping communities grow spiritually and economically. As Galatians 6:9 encourages, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

  • Prayer is foundational to missions. Before, during, and after trips, prayer opens the way for God’s guidance, protection, and provision. Whether you’re praying for the mission team, the people they will serve, or the spiritual battles they may face, prayer is a powerful tool for advancing God’s Kingdom. As Ephesians 6:18 says, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.”

  • For most missions trips, no prior experience or skill is required! Mission trips are open to everyone who has a heart to serve. Whether you’re skilled in construction, teaching, or simply willing to help, there’s always a role for you. God equips those He calls (Hebrews 13:21), so trust that He will guide you to serve effectively in any capacity.

  • A mission trip often involves serving in practical ways like building homes, distributing food, leading Bible studies, or supporting local ministries. You will be immersed in a new culture, working closely with a team, and growing in your faith while sharing the love of Jesus. As Romans 12:13 says, “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Mission trips are about both giving and receiving as you help others and deepen your relationship with Christ.

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