Leader Guide

Resources for Life Group Leaders

Our vision is to develop Christ-centered groups where members learn to live and love like Jesus. Through God’s Word and intentional community, we grow in faith, providing accountability, and always speaking the Truth in love.

Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

The resources included here are to help guide you as you lead your group and navigate what it means to be a disciple and to make disciples who live and love like Jesus.

Tips for Leading Your Group

Be a leader of strong character and integrity. Set an example for those you lead. Titus 2:7-8

  1. Have Courage - Have the courage to do the right thing, because it is right, no matter what.

  2. Don’t Fake It - Never try to make up answers.  It’s OK to say, “I don’t know”.  Research the answer as a group, or ask a leader or pastor on staff.

  3. Prepare - Prepare for the study, look over the Spiritual Discipline page prior to Group to get familiar with the FAQ and resources available.

  4. Set the Environment - Create a welcoming atmosphere where group members feel comfortable sharing vulnerably. 

  5. Get Everyone Involved - Encourage the participation of each group member each week. Participation is crucial for growth along this journey.

  6. Encourage - Encourage each member of the group to complete the prior week’s “My Action Step” on their own and to watch the week’s sermon. 

Agenda for Each Session

Use the general recommended time frames provided below for each section to guide your group time. These times are suggestions based on a standard 1.5-2-hour group session.

  1. Getting Started - (15 min) Use this activity to initiate group discussion and get to know one another before diving into the content of the study.

  2. Reading - (5 min) Each week’s study will begin with a short reading that outlines the topics we are discussing related to the decisions we make to live and love like Jesus.

  3. Videos - (10-15 min) QR Codes are included throughout this book that will take you to each session’s videos. These videos will inform your discussion as you work through the Discussion Questions together. Each video should be roughly 5-7 minutes in length.

  4. Group Discussion - (30 min) Questions have been provided that pertain to each topic to help guide group discussion. For studies that involve two videos, spend roughly 15 min on each set of questions. Allow time for the group to discuss their answers to these questions together.

  5. Prayer Requests - (15 min) This space is provided each week for your group to close the session by sharing prayer requests and praying over them together.

  6. Actions Steps - (5 min) At the end of each group, go through the action steps and encourage each member to participate in the action steps and record their responses or thoughts in the space provided.

Main Points & Objectives for each Session

At the end of each session, these are the key priorities you want to ensure each person in the group understands and can apply.

  • Main Point - The best way to live our lives is to live and love like Jesus 

    • Objective 1 - Get to know one another

    • Objective 2 - Explore what it means to follow Jesus.

  • Main Point -  Every part of your life that you entrust to God will flourish

    • Objective 1 - Understand & be able to explain God’s free gift of salvation with the ABC's of Salvation and the Roman's Road

    • Objective 2 - Invite anyone who has not yet been baptized to make this decision

  • Main Point - God expects me to stay connected to Him and my church family throughout the week

    • Objective 1 - Learn & practice the A.C.T.S. Prayer tool to help guide a daily prayer habit

    • Objective 2 - Understand how and why to integrate worship in our daily rhythms

  • Main Point - God’s gave us His Word and community to guide, strengthen and encourage us daily

    • Objective 1 - Commit to establish a habit of reading God’s Word daily

    • Objective 2 - Identify 2-3 godly friends to connect and share Life Journal with

  • Main Point - When we invest in God’s Kingdom we have the opportunity for eternal impact

    • Objective 1 - Discover what the Bible says about ways God has asked us to invest our lives in his Kingdom

    • Objective 2 - Encourage anyone who has not yet made the decision to give back to God a portion of what He has given to us

  • Main Point - When we invest in God’s Kingdom we have the opportunity for eternal impact

    • Objective 1 - Understand why God wants us to invest our time and talents in His Kingdom

    • Objective 2 - Encourage anyone who has not yet made the decision to serve or engage in the mission to do so.

  • Main Point - God expects you to share your God story so others can come to know Jesus

    • Objective 1 - Learn how to easily share your God story with those who don’t know Jesus, and ask God for opportunities to do it

    • Objective 2 - Identify 2-3 people God has placed in your life that aren’t a part of a life giving church and invite them to Daybreak

  • Main Point - God wants us to be disciples of Jesus who help others become disciples of Jesus

    • Objective - Accept and live out the Great Commission as the way we walk out our decision to follow Jesus